Leftists Host ‘Drag Queen Story Time’ for Young Children
Dear Democrats, progressives, race-baiting Washington elites, and “democratic” socialists — we’ve seen what you’re all about, and we have just one thing to say to you: stay the hell away from our children.
Do not sexualize them. Do not politicize them. Do not try to indoctrinate them. Do not try to stop them from praying any place they damn well please. And do not try to take away our ability to defend them. Failure to heed any of these warnings will constitute the crossing of a line that you will not come back from.
We know what you’re about. We’ve seen you celebrate the legalization of killing babies after they are born. We’ve seen you push forcefully for the preemptive chemical castration of prepubescent children. We’ve seen you take away their motivation to excel at sports. We’ve seen you try to fill their heads with corrupted mathematics systems that leave them unable to do simple arithmetic.
We no longer see you as acting in good faith. We believe, that whether you realize it or not, you are serving an agenda designed to make Americans weak and pliant. What you want is ineffectual men, infertile women, and young people who are both mentally and physically ill.
So, when we hear that you’re letting transsexuals into the classroom to indoctrinate our children with heavily sexualized messages, we say, “Hell, no!”
We know what you’re doing. We’ve read the white papers. We’ve seen the evidence. You can’t hide it anymore.
Here’s Millennial Millie with more on this story.
~ Liberty Video News

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