The Media’s LIES About Virginia’s Gun Rally — DEBUNKED
Earlier this week, thousands of heavily armed angry white supremacists flocked to Virginia’s capitol to spread a message of hate and division. The rally took place on, of all days, Martin Luther King Day — and that was entirely deliberate.
If you’ve only been watching the mainstream media, this is seriously the conclusion you might have come up with. The reality is that what happened in Richmond on Monday was more or less a typical gun rights rally. Remember: open carry is legal in the state of Virginia. The event ended with no violent incidents, and demonstrators were even seen cleaning up their trash before they disbursed.
It should also be noted that this is a rally that was planned ahead of time, and approved by city authorities. This wasn’t like when Antifa shows up to a random Starbucks and starts chucking trash cans out in the street.
Speaking of Antifa, they were strangely absent from this event. Actual white supremacists were a rare sight as well. It turns out that, when there’s a bunch of people with guns hanging on in one spot, the really bad people tend to keep their distance. Weird how that works…
None of this stopped the mainstream media from shelling out every lie in their playbook. Luckily, we have Steven Crowder to set the record straight. Check out the full clip below.

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