Let’s get serious for a moment. Rep. Adam Schiff is a man who has been camping outside CNN’s studios for years. He was constantly waiting to deliver the next serving of lies to that channel’s gullible, low information voters right up until the point when his fellow liars in Washington needed him to get back to work pushing these B-S accusations against the president.
Never forget, the Democrats were talking about impeachment even before Trump was inaugurated. And never forget, that they were pushing the collusion conspiracies before this. When they failed miserably, they just reverted to calling Trump “racist” for a while — then they made this crap up.
Schiff was more than ready to spearhead the bullhonkery parade and completely fabricate a version of the Ukraine call transcript. When he was called out for lying, he said he was joking. But he didn’t look like he was joking, and he has certainly never been seen joking before. The bottom line is that Schiff is a liar. He should be the one to face charges.
We aren’t the only ones who think so.
Here’s Fox with Judicial Watch’s Tom Fitton.

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