Actor Vince Vaughn Cancelled for Shaking Trump’s Hand
In George Orwell’s 1984, there was the unforgettable Two Minutes of Hate. In that scene, the citizens of Oceania were compelled to attend a massive meeting. In this meeting, the face of an enemy of the government of Oceania was projected on a large screen. While under close electronic scrutiny, the mass of Oceanians was expected to express intense hatred for the enemy projected on the screen, his family, and for anyone who supported him. The name of the man on the screen was Emmanuel Goldstein, but that’s of little consequence.
Does this scenario sound familiar? While Orwell depicted two minutes of hate during which the citizens of a fictional totalitarian state performed a mass indoctrination on themselves, the Left of today has engaged in a mandatory Four Years of Hate directed at the man projected on their screens — Donald J. Trump.
Like the people in the novel, the more enthusiastically those on the left exude hatred for Trump, the more secure they can feel among the ranks of anti-Trump leftists. But because no one is being herded into a single large room to express their hate — the TDS infested Leftists have to look for any opportunity to let their hate shine forth.
So, naturally, they turn to Twitter as their go-to place to direct their hatred at Trump and anyone even loosely associated with him. This is really handy, you see- because imperfect hate is very easy to spot. This time it’s Vince Vaughn who failed to hate Trump sufficiently.
Here’s Sara Gonzalez of BlazeTV with more sweet, sweet hate.

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