Watch Leftists Melt as Trump Cleared of Collusion
For the past two years, those on the left have clung to Robert Mueller and his investigation into President Donald Trump as their sole beacon of hope. When Mueller finally released his much-anticipated report, though, all of the hopes the left had of seeing Trump impeached quickly came toppling down. As is typical of the left when their hopes are dashed, it wasn’t long before a meltdown ensued.
Those in the media scrambled for something to cling to — something that would delay their inevitable embarrassment and defeat a little longer; and they found it in the fact that Mueller did not completely clear Trump on the issue of obstruction of justice. However, it wasn’t long before the DOJ took away this lifeline as well by making it clear that they had no intention to pursue obstruction charges.
Now, some leftists still cling to the delusion that Trump will one day soon reside in a prison rather than the White House. Others have accepted the fact that Trump isn’t going anywhere anytime soon, though their reaction to this reality has been less than civil in many cases. Either way, most on the left certainly aren’t taking the news that the President didn’t commit treason very well at all.
To learn more about the epic leftist meltdown that continues to ensue over Trump being cleared of collusion, be sure to check out the video below.
~ Liberty Video News

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