Political Correctness has a New Target – Cheerleaders
The search for something new to take offense over is never-ending for those who prescribe to the ideology of political correctness. Even things that were once as uncontroversial as it comes are not safe from the crosshairs of the easily offended.
Now, the latest item on the chopping block of political correctness is cheerleaders…
In the name of supporting and standing up for women, one feminist writing for USA Today wants to force thousands of women out of their jobs by banning a career choice that they willingly chose. Like many of the stances taken by third-wave feminists, this position no-doubt has classical feminists – who fought for women to have the right to do whatever they please – rolling over in their graves.
The writer argues that cheerleaders in the NFL and other sporting organizations serve no purpose but to titillate, saying at one point that they are, in essence, “blow-up dolls come to life.” While the writer’s choice of words may be degrading, they do have a point. At the end of the day, sporting events are still primarily geared toward a male audience, and the fact that men enjoy looking at beautiful women is basic, undeniable biology. If a woman wants to willingly place herself in this role, however, what right is it of anyone else to tell her that she can’t?
To see Paul Joseph Watson break down the hypocrisy of (probably jealous) feminists going after cheerleaders, be sure to check out the video below.
~ Liberty Video News
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