Here’s an idea. How about diversity of building materials? We’ll get some bricks and some two by fours, a bunch of waddle and daub, some big big big chunks of ice, and a great big pile of glass and steel. We’ll make a house that everyone will love. We’ll make an Igloohutscraper!
Okay, here’s a better idea. We’ll make a car that’s part truck, part boat, and part helicopter. It will be like something from a cartoon from the 1980s. It will transform and have guns, except we’re trying to ban guns so we can’t have that. We’ll call it the Magnatram Hyber Bus.
What’s that? You say it would never work? But why? Why would diversity in engineering not work out great? It’s great in business, isn’t it? No? You say it tanks companies when HR departments try to force diversity quotas instead of hiring on merit?
Okay, well it works in cities, doesn’t it? What’s that? You say that people of different nationalities and ethnicities always self segregate and when they are forced into common neighborhoods the crime rates go up?
Geez. That’s depressing. Damn the evidence! Diversity has to be our strength!
Hey, where are you going? Well, you’re all Nazis anyway. So just go watch Gavin McInnes. He hates kittens too, just like you guys.
~ Liberty Video News
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