What Colleges Get Seriously WRONG About Diversity
There was a point in time when knowledge was, above all else, the most important goal of universities in the United States. Today, that is sadly no longer the case. Thanks to years of far left guidance, universities in the United States today have come to place the ambiguous concept of diversity above the pursuit of knowledge.
What universities get wrong about diversity is that diversity in and of itself is not inherently a virtue. If more attention is given to making college campuses diverse than attention given to helping the students on that campus learn and succeed, then diversity is not a benefit, it’s a hindrance.
Even diversity of ideas – which is the true diversity that universities should aim for rather than diversity of gender and skin color – is not as important as the pursuit of knowledge. Yet diversity of ideas is actively discouraged on most college campuses while diversity of arbitrary characteristics is promoted above all else.
Diversity is only beneficial when it happens naturally. When the best and brightest are admitted into universities and the best and brightest happen to be a diverse group, that’s when we know things are working as they should. Manufacturing diversity by lowering the standards and giving preferential treatment to one person over another does nothing to help move the knowledge of humanity forward.
To learn more about what universities get wrong about diversity, be sure to check out the video below.
~ Liberty Video News

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