When it comes to the squirming of the Democrats, scrounging around for ammunition to use against Trump and the MAGA movement, we have a favorite analogy: the cornered snake.
A cornered snake will try everything it can think of to escape danger. It will try to appear fearsome. It will play dead. Sometimes, a snake will even try to act like no confrontation is happening at all. Of course, eventually, the snake will strike. This is quite like the Democrats looking for every excuse to attack Trump no matter what the obvious truth is.
Chris Cuomo, AKA Fredo, recently commented that President Trump must be getting too much sleep and probably doesn’t care about his job because he hasn’t appeared to have aged a day since he was elected. Unlike Barack Obama, who aged ten years in four, and 20 years in 8 – Trump appears to be weathering the travails of the Oval Office quite gracefully. This is despite the fact that he eats too much junk food and sleeps just four hours a night.
But here’s what CNN and the Looney Tunes Media doesn’t understand — or doesn’t want to come to terms with — Trump is earnest. He tells the truth. Sure, he exaggerates, but he doesn’t mislead. And he never lies to the American people. He means what he says, and he says what he means — and that’s something that can take a heck of a lot of stress off a person.
Chris Cuomo should try it. But we know he won’t.
Here’s Greg Gutfeld with more.

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