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BBC Releases Bizarre Gender “Study”

The biological reality that men and women are different — with different interests, different outlooks, different abilities, and more — is a bit of stumbling block for the leftist theory that gender is entirely a social construct. In an attempt to prove that gender norms are entirely cultural rather than biological, liberal researchers continue to publish one bizarre gender study after another.

In the BBC’s latest gender “study” (using the term loosely), random volunteers were told to play with children and were observed. The catch was that the volunteers were under the assumption they were playing with male children when in fact they were playing with female children, and vise versa. The conclusion of the study was supposed to show that people give children different toys and play with them differently depending on their gender, while the children are willing to play with whatever they are given.

While there may be some truth to the fact that small children will play with whatever is in front of them — after all, many kids are often more fascinated with the box a toy came in than the toy itself — it still doesn’t change the fact that the adults who are giving the children toys remember what they liked when they were little and divvy out toys accordingly. There is no conspiracy involved in giving a boy a truck to play with rather than a barbie, and certainly no damage being done.

To learn more about the flaws in BBC’s study, be sure to check out the video below.

~ Liberty Video News

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