What No Politician Will Tell You About Immigration
The Left uses the politics of victimhood to disarm the strong and to steal power and resources. Where they have no argument they cry grievance, and where they meet resistance, they place blame. This is true for every cause they support. Every issue they push has a victim and a scapegoat, and when they get what they want, the scapegoat becomes the victim.
With feminism, the scapegoat is men and boys, and the result is more taxes for the federal government and dismantled families. With claims of racism, the scapegoat is conservatives, and the result is black communities sold into liberal-run inner-city plantations where crime is high and wages are low.
With immigration, the formula is the same. But the scapegoat is the American people as a whole, and the result is millions of undocumented law breakers being given access to voting booths, driver’s licenses, and a mainline on the welfare system.
Many conservative commentators have said it and we’ll say it again: you can either have open borders or you can have a welfare system, but you can’t have both. Washington Democrats know very well that open borders and welfare combined will wreck the country. They have proven time and time again with failed policies and repetitive campaigns of shame, blame, and no answers that they thrive in a world of perceived problems. Where there are solutions and people ready to enact them, Democrats languish.
That’s why they hate Trump. End of story.
Here’s Black Pigeon Speaks with more.
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