Venezuelan Student Talks About the NIGHTMARE of Socialism
The Democratic Party wants you to believe two things: first, that all non-white immigrants are on their side, and second, that everyone under 35 is on their side. The video below is an example of how untrue this is.
The truth is that there are scores of young people around the world that want nothing to do with socialism. Many of them have parents with firsthand experience of what a nightmare this ideology can be. We have people trying to come into the United States right now from places like Venezuela and Cuba expressly because they’ve seen how socialism has destroyed the livelihood of their families.
This leads us into another lie progressives like to tell everyone: that conservative Americans want to stop immigrants like this from coming in. Again, this couldn’t be more false. President Donald Trump and the bulk of his supporters are animated against illegal immigration from people that want a free ride. We challenge any reader to find a mainstream conservative that wants to barre someone from another country that wants to fly the stars and stripes, start a business, and become a liberty-loving American from doing so.
Here’s Steven Crowder with more.

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