“Unplanned” Movie is Changing Minds About Abortion
Despite the best efforts by Twitter and other media outlets to censor any information about the film, the pro-life movie “Unplanned” managed to rake in an expectation-shattering $6.1 million during its opening weekend at the box office.
“Unplanned” follows the real-life career of Abby Johnson – a former Planned Parenthood clinic director who became a pro-life activist after witnessing the gory realities of abortion first-hand.
Regardless of whether you are pro-life or pro-choice, “Unplanned” is an uncomfortable movie to watch. The film makes no attempt to soften or gloss over just how bloody and brutal abortion really is. Instead, “Unplanned” shows abortion in its raw, unedited form – a way that many pro-abortion activists have never seen it before.
Those in the liberal media who watched the film with an open mind and who were brave enough to write their honest evaluation came away from the film with a new perspective on abortion and detailed just how uncomfortable the movie made them feel. Rather than being overly preachy or heavy-handed, “Unplanned” simply pulls back the curtains on abortion and Planned Parenthood then forces the audience to justify their own views on abortion in light of the reality that they have just seen. It’s a novel approach to pro-life awareness and one that already seems to be changing minds.
To learn more about the impact that “Unplanned” is having when it comes to changing minds about abortion and Planned Parenthood, be sure to check out the video below.
~ Liberty Video News
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