Pelosi Just Committed the Cardinal Sin for Democrats
Among certain sects of the Democratic Party, impeachment talk has reached a new fervor. Many in the Democratic base are pushing for party leaders to move forward with impeachment proceedings as well. However, in her latest interview, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi may have thrown a bucket of water on the impeachment fires.
When asked about the possibility of moving forward with impeachment, Pelosi grew hesitant, saying that trying to impeach Trump would only bring more division to an already deeply divided nation. For once, she’s right.
Until Robert Mueller concludes his investigation and all of the cards are on the table, there is zero chance that the Republican-controlled Senate is going to convict President Trump even if the House does succeed at impeaching him. Without a conviction by the Senate, Trump will remain President, and Democratic impeachment efforts will accomplish nothing other than angering Trump’s base and further dividing our country.
Even though Pelosi’s House continues to engage in pointless obstruction and investigations, it’s still refreshing to see that she at least recognizes this reality. To learn more about Nancy Pelosi’s most recent comments on how Democrats are unlikely to move forward with impeachment proceedings, be sure to check out the video below.
~ Liberty Video News

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