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Huffington Post Publishes Piece Attacking Race Mixing (Yes, Really)

Huffington Post finds itself in a weird position after the left-wing publication put out a piece suggesting that white men should stick to their own kind when dating.

That’s right — the far left has moved so far left that they’ve become the very racists they thought they were fighting. As it turns out, they’re probably the most racist people in America right now, and they have no idea.

The piece in question almost requires a second read to verify that you are, in fact, reading a real article written by a real person and published by a real news outlet. The author is an Asian woman who is dating a white man. Apparently, this is problematic for her because there are just too many white men dating Asian women.

Yes — someone was allowed to be this overtly racist without any backlash whatsoever.

YouTuber Tim Pool goes through this insane article — and the outright hypocrisy of sites like the Huffington Post — in the video below.

~ Liberty Video News

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