Why the Left is Obsessed with “Intersectional” Politics
Chances are that you, like everyone else, most likely grew up believing that you are a unique individual with unique opinions, needs, and desires. However, this is a position that modern-day leftist philosophy not-so-respectfully disagrees with.
Intersectionality is a concept all the rage right now in far-left politics, and it is one that is deeply concerning. Intersectionality posits that the value of your opinion is determined solely by the identity group that you belong to – more specifically, the number of victim groups you belong to.
For example, if you are a straight, white male, you are seen as having skipped out on all available victim groups and therefore the value of your opinion is drastically lowered. On the other hand, if you are a queer, black female, you belong to three separate so-called “victim groups” and therefore your opinion is much more highly valued.
If this logic sounds too bizarre to really play a prominent role in current American politics and culture, chances are you haven’t spent much time on a liberal college campus where the idea of intersectionality is woven through the fabric of most everything that is taught. Voices of both individuals and groups alike are silenced or promoted based only on the identity of the people in question. It’s a theme that is prevalent not only in liberal academia but also in liberal media, entertainment, and politics, and it’s one that will only grow more damaging if left unopposed.
To hear Ben Shapiro further break down what intersectionality is and the threat that it poses, be sure to check out the video below.
~ Liberty Video News

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