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Tucker Carlson Destroys Far-Left Immigration Attorney

Fox News host Tucker Carlson has never been known for his subtlety, and his verbal brass is on full display in the must-watch interview below.

The segment opens with a report on Chicago Mayor Rahm Emmanuel’s plan to issue citywide IDs for “undocumented” individuals, a move he said will allow illegal immigrants to travel about more freely and without fear.

Basically, the move asserts that blatantly breaking the country’s laws is perfectly acceptable, and signals a de facto endorsement for crime. At least, that’s how Tucker Carlson sees it.

To discuss the matter further, Carlson invited a Texas-based immigration attorney to break down the story. According to the lawyer, who has a favorable view of illegal immigration, Emmanuel’s move is relatively benign. He then proceeds to spew out just about every strawman argument in the book, but Carlson doesn’t let him get away with it.

Watch the video below to see yet another verbal beatdown the Fox News host has become characteristically famous for.

~ Liberty Video News

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