Rand Paul Sets CNN’s Jake Tapper Straight
Did you even notice that all of the major network news organizations are always pro-war? It doesn’t matter where it is, it doesn’t matter who it is — if war is on the table, the mainstream media loves it.
Recently, President Donald Trump said we’re done with the war in Syria — we’re pulling out and we’re going to get out of Afghanistan ASAP as well. And the left-wing media went totally crackers over it. They proved that the left is just anti-Trump, that they aren’t really concerned about principles and are simply infected with a hatred of something that Trump subconsciously represents in their fevered minds.
In other words, Trump is doing what Obama promised to do, and didn’t have it in his momma jeans to pull off.
You may remember that they loved it when Trump ordered a missile strike on a Syrian runway. Those of us who were paying attention realized Trump was just throwing the pro-war establishment a bone because there were no personnel and nothing of value on that runway. Then he hit ISIS with a MOAB, and that was pretty cool.
It was transgressive, though, because we assumed the bomb’s gender. But nevermind that.
But even as the left proves that it doesn’t care whether or not we’re bombing brown people, guys like Kentucky Senator Rand Paul are spending their time making it impossible for the left to make you forget how they outed themselves as pro-war freaks.
Here’s the Jimmy Dore Show with some clips.
~ Liberty Video News

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