NYT Reporter Met Leftist Activists Before Publishing Explosive Article
The new year has arrived, and there are no signs that Democrats or the far left has any intention of giving up on their absurd claims. As always, the Mueller investigation is running on steam as zero evidence of any collusion between the Trump camping and Russia has surfaced. That’s right, in over two years and two months, the Democrat-led witch-hunt against the Trump administration has come up 100% bub-kiss.
Nevertheless, the left wing media has not let a moment pass during which it does not beat the same dead Russian collusion horse. And yes, Don Lemon is the dumbest man on television.
But as this s#it show goes on unabated, endless pieces of evidence of corruption, malfeasance, and downright lies from the left-wing media and Democrats have been pouring in non-stop. There was the hiring of Christopher Steele, the former British spy, to come up with dirt on the Trump campaign. Steele invented the bogus “peepee gate” dossier which the Democrats have taken as gospel- even though it makes them look like raging morons. Then, there’s Fusion GPS, the tech company hired by the DNC to find dirt in Trump. The Hillary Clinton campaign paid Fusion for their work, and they seemed to pass the money onto Steele- who was eventually indicted.
Then there was Uranium One scandal in which we learned Clinton and Obama gave Russia over 70% of the United States’ uranium stockpile.
Now, we find out that the NYT has done its fair share of election meddling as well. Here’s RT with more.
~ Liberty Video News

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