So, now that most of the hubbub about Greta Thunberg has died down, maybe we can say a few things about the Left’s irresponsible use of children in promoting its policies.
For a start, Greta’s mother is psychotic. For another thing, there are dozens of photos floating around the interwebs showing Greta surrounded with people wearing Antifa merch. Look up ‘Greta Thunberg mother music video’ on YouTube. What you’ll see will make your rear iris pinch up.
But what bothers us most about all this is the obviously abusive levels of pressure it would take to get an autistic child to turn on the waterworks whilst flying all over the western world browbeating leaders for not taking climate change seriously.
Do you know who else doesn’t take climate change seriously? Investment bankers, that’s who. Why do you think banks are still funding loans for multi-million dollar beachfront property on land that’s supposed to be underwater in 11 years? It’s because they know the climate hysteria is all liberal hype designed to take over the economy. Barack Obama and Al Gore both own beachfront property on the east coast for crying out loud. Do you think they want to drown?
Well, sheezuz, maybe they do.
Anyway, Thunberg is far from the first hand-wringing child actor the left has used to push their bull-honking climate change agenda. Take a look at this 80s flashback posted by Owen Benjamin.
If you’re still entertaining benthic Floridian ideations, this will cure you.

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