Impeachment is Emboldening Trump to WIN in 2020
Being cited by a corrupt body for doing your job well, of for acting as you should- better even- for being called a criminal for calling out criminals… friends, that’s a badge of honor. That is exactly what is happening with President Trump and this partial non-impeachment that the Dems are calling a job done.
For a start, they don’t even seem to realize that impeachment doesn’t mean anything. For another thing — they don’t realize that they are helping him. They simply cannot understand that the majority of Americans do not believe the lies heard about Trump on CNN and MSNBC. It’s so frustrating to sit here and watch almost half the visible nation swallow obvious lies. But the truth is that most people are not taking the bait.
Because of what they are doing to Trump, America still sees him as an underdog. They see him as an embattled man, doing what’s best for everyone, while the money changers do their damnedest to take him down. But they are only making Trump’s supporters more sure that they are right about him, and they are only making Trump himself more bold, more sure of himself — and closer to victory.
Here’s Fox News with more on the Dem’s ongoing self sabotage.

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