Did Social Media Censorship Make This Conservative Go Broke?
Milo Yiannopolous was once on top of the world. The right-wing provocateur made a career out of exposing social justice warriors for what they really were, and he had endless source material to work with.
In September of 2019, Vice News enthusiastically published an article reporting that the entertainer is “broke” — and the comments section was equally celebratory. Progressives are happy that they cancelled someone they didn’t like.
But, what really happened? Did Milo’s career take a hit because his fans abandoned him, or did have more to do with the fact that he was banned from every platform you can think of?
It makes sense for the far-left to hate Milo. He’s supposed to be on their side. He’s Jewish, gay, and hails from the United Kingdom. He isn’t supposed to say nice things about Donald Trump, or call out the snowflakes when they act out.
The video below should raise a red flag. Silicon Valley is dangerously powerful. If the tech giants disapprove of your message, they can silence you into bankruptcy.
Here’s Anthony Brian Logan with more.

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