Why Democrats are Obsessed with Beto O’Rourke
The Democratic Party is desperate for new faces that they can rally behind. Since 2016, though, they’ve been coming up short.
Today, the Democratic Party is mostly comprised of two categories – old career politicians such as Nancy Pelosi who have largely fallen out of favor with American voters, and upstart socialists such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez whose views are too radical for most to fully rally behind. The Democrats are desperate for the next John F. Kennedy – and they think they’ve found him in Texas Senate candidate Beto O’Rourke.
There’s just one problem; O’Rourke is expected to lose quite badly to Ted Cruz in the Texas Senate race. This doesn’t seem to be an issue for leftist pundits, though, who claim that O’Rourke is Democrats’ best candidate for the 2020 Presidential campaign even if he can’t win a Senate race in his home state.
The fact that a candidate who is behind by double digits to a man who lost the 2016 Republican primary is now being lauded as the new hope of the Democratic Party is a testament to just how far the party has fallen. They are now so short on candidates that Americans can actually relate to that they are having to dig deep down into the well – all the way down to the losing candidate Beto O’Rourke.
To learn more about this “new hope” of the Democratic Party, be sure to check out the video below.
~ Liberty Video News
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