Greg Gutfeld: Dems are Screwing America ‘In the Dark’
Alright. We’ve been over this. But it’s Halloween night as this is being written- the morning after actually- and we’re tired of pussy-footing around.
The fact is that the Dems are screwing this country over! They are sucking your tax money out of your wallets and pissing it all over their half-baked chances for setting up laws that indoctrinated law-men will obey when they decide it’s time to finally take the last of your rights away for good.
The Democrats have proven finally and for the last time that they don’t give two wet smacks about your future or the future of your children. They are interested in their own dreams of unopposed power and nothing else.
Why do you think they are saying the same things about Trump that they said about Nixon, Reagan, Bush, and every conservative before them. It’s to distract you while they pass more permissive abortion laws and heftier tax codes to strangle the life out of you while you drink the brain-shriveling fluoride-infested water.
So, get ready to vote for the lesser of two evils while the lesser of two evils bends over for the unelected greater of two evils because we’re on a slow boat to Antarctica, suckers.
Go watch Greg Gutfeld while you drown in liberal tears.

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