Why Gun Control Solves Almost Nothing
Americans have been aghast at the recent mass shootings: 14 dead in San Bernadino in December 2015, the massacre of 49 individuals at a nightclub in Orlando in June 2016 and most recently with the massacre of 26 church-goers in Texas.
This latest example came just a month after the October 2017 devastation that ended with more than 500 injuries and 59 individuals losing their lives in Las Vegas. The alt-left is very quick to use these numbers to continue their crusade for gun control, but would different laws around firearms really have prevented any of these unfortunate situations from taking place? Ben Shapiro is unconvinced.
Gun Control, or Outright Ban?
Ben Shapiro posits that the late-night talk show hosts who continually call for gun control should revisit the conversation in a different way. While it’s unlikely that gun control laws could have prevented the Las Vegas shootings as the guns were all obtained through legal methods, it is possible that banning all guns from the U.S. would have had an effect. However, is that a step that Americans are willing to make? Instead, Shapiro notes that it feels more like the comments are coming from an overall moral disapproval of individuals who own guns — which doesn’t lead to actionable outcomes.
Emotion: Not Policy Discussion
As often happens, liberals appear to be focusing on the emotion behind the issue instead of the issues themselves, as you hear statements such as “If you cared about Las Vegas, you would be in support of gun control.” Clearly, this is coming from a place of emotion as opposed to policy formation, insinuating that conservative Americans do not have the heart to support their fellow humans based on an assumption of their political beliefs.
Where does this circular conversation land? Ben Shapiro makes a strong argument that gun control really isn’t central to this issue as the number of guns has effectively increased while the murder rate overall continues to decrease.
For now, the only middle ground appears to be in considering control of items such as bump fire stocks, which essentially allows a semi-automatic weapon to perform as an automatic.
~ Liberty Video News
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