Why Do Social Justice Warriors All Look the Same?
You’ve definitely heard the term before, but what exactly is a “social justice warrior”?
You know what they are: they like soy chai lattes, paper straws that dissolve as soon as they’re used, and believe that shopping at Whole Foods will simply cancel global warming. They’re against cultural appropriation, but are totally fine with gender appropriation.
The truth is that you know one when you see one, because they’re impossible to miss. In a stunning and brave attempt to show that they are non-conformist individuals, this group takes to wearing the same clothes, having the same style of facial, and repeating the same political talking points.
Okay, so maybe they’re not really “non-conformist.”
Since 2016, the election year that really doesn’t feel like it ever ended, we’ve noticed a few common trends among the “Trump is not my president crowd”, and they’ve become impossible to ignore. And no, we’re not talking about “pussy hats” or “#resist” bumper stickers. There’s something deeper that seems to unite them all under the same tent.
Here’s Paul Joseph Watson to explain this better than we ever could.
~ Liberty Video News

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