Why Democrats are Ditching Obama’s Legacy
The jig is up and Dems just can’t pretend that Barack Obama was a good president anymore. For eight years solid, we were told that the Obama administration was scandal-free and that anyone who had any problems with America’s first fully tanned president must be racist.
Of course, we’ve known this to be true for years. We knew that Obama’s goofy stimulus packages were full of fluff, and the slowest, most anemic economic recovery in history proved it. That was annoying because anyone with a historical perspective on economics knows that any viable economy goes through recessions and recoveries. That meant that the economy would recover no matter what. So they took credit for the recovery while sucking all they cash out of it that could be sucked. In other words, the Obama administration was about sucking as much as possible.
Then there were the crimes of Hillary Clinton with her bathroom server and her freaking charity. That’s an Obama scandal because it happened under his White House — on his watch.
Then there’s the fact that Obama gave a butt ton of cash to Iran, made friends with the Muslim Brotherhood, and then bombed a thousand middle-eastern weddings with predator drones. Not groovy.
Finally, there’s Obama’s legacy of race-baiting. We were told for 8 years that we’re bad and wrong and racially inferior — if white. And that’s evil.
Now, Dems just can’t deny it anymore — Obama stunk. Here’s Fox News and Diamond and Silk with more.
~ Liberty Video News
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