Ever since Donald Trump came down that escalator almost three years ago now, there has been a concerted cultural backlash against the man himself and the people who support him. Since then, the whole western world has been plagued with fake hate crimes designed to make white people, men, Christians, and basically anyone statistically likely to vote Republican look like a monster.
It’s all about wrenching guilt and resources out of the denizens of flyover states and yoking them to the oxen of high taxes so that those of us living along the coasts can go on pretending that everything is free.
It’s a little arrangement known as democracy which might be better understood by its former name — slavery.
If you haven’t guessed yet, what we’re talking about is the Jussie Smollett indecent. Smollett, a star on the TV series “Empire,” (yeah, we’ve never heard of it either), is a gay black man who openly hates the president for all of the made-up reasons CNN gives him.
He’s committed a hate crime, a crime of slander against a whole racial group of people. If there is any justice in this world, he’ll do time for it.
We’re sick and tired of being called names, smeared, defamed, lied about, and taken advantage of.
Here’s Tucker Carlson with more on this disgusting story.
~ Liberty Video News

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