Trump Predicts a “Red Wave” in November
Ever since their stinging 2016 defeat, Democrats have been promising a “blue wave” in the 2018 midterms – one that will allow Democrats to take back control of Congress and effectively prevent President Trump from making any more progress for the rest of his presidency.
While there is some historical precedent to suggest that Democrats may perform better than Republicans come November since the party in power typically loses seats during the midterm election, there is also plenty of evidence to suggest that this year might be different – so much evidence that President Trump is now predicting a red wave rather than a blue one.
Democrats have certainly made plenty of missteps since Trump was elected, failing to accomplish much of anything while making themselves out to be nothing more than obstructionists whose sole purpose is stopping Trump. Republicans, meanwhile, have several things working in their favor such as a booming economy and tax cuts that are already putting thousands of dollars back into the pockets of American families. These Republican victories combined with the Democratic failures since 2016 may just be enough to make President Trump’s prediction of a red wave come true.
To hear President Trump explain why he expects Republicans to perform above expectations in the 2018 midterms, be sure to check out the video below.
~ Liberty Video News

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