Trump Calls Media Out for Refusing to Report Accomplishments
As the mainstream media’s war against Donald Trump rages on, the president took the time in his recent interview with Fox News to call out some of the most glaring misdeeds of the media. Chief amongst those misdeeds was the fact that media refuses to report on President Trump’s accomplishments.
While every single misstep of the president — no matter how insignificant it might be — receives round the clock attention, the triumphs of Trump’s presidency have gone almost entirely ignored. The media would have us to believe that there are simply no accomplishments for them to report on, but that is clearly not the case.
So far, Trump has overseen major victories in both domestic and foreign policy. The economy is booming, companies are bringing jobs back from overseas, unemployment is at an all-time low, North Korea has been forced to the negotiating table, and the US has withdrawn from the disastrous Iran nuclear deal – and these are all just a handful of Trump’s victories thus far. Yet, the mainstream media refuses to acknowledge them, and instead spends hour after hour reporting on things so minor that they wouldn’t even be mentioned if anyone else was in the White House.
It’s a sad reality, yet it’s one that both Trump and his supporters have grown accustomed to. To see President Trump call out the media for refusing to report on his accomplishments, be sure to check out the video below.
~ Liberty Video News

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