Time to Abolish Sanctuary Cities? Mayors Face Off
Europe has been subjected to a nightmare that parades under the moniker of inclusion and tolerance. A wave of immigrants from the middle east has flooded the countries of Europe. This was made possible by the deposition of the former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, who made it his country’s job to prevent the tide of refugees from flooding western nations.
Gaddafi warned the west that if he was eliminated, the west would be inundated with unassimilable invaders who would plunder our vulnerable welfare systems and exploit our naïve cultures of tolerance. Not long after that warning, Hillary Clinton led an envoy whose mission ended with the violent death of Gaddafi. And the rest is culture war history.
Since then, the rape statistics in countries like Sweden have gone through the roof. Gangs of immigrants run grooming operations to kidnap, torture, rape, kill, and sell into slavery little girls in England. Sweden and other nations are going largely unpunished as authorities quiver in fear of being called racist.
The United States is better protected, and internal reporting is in very bad shape. But, awareness of this same problem developing here is becoming more and more acute. So few Americans understand the limitations of our economy and the fact that we cannot afford to take in a virtually unlimited number of refugees and undocumented immigrants.
Today, over 5,000 Americans are killed each year by illegal immigrants, yet the idea of Sanctuary cities is still a matter for debate. Liberty Hound has more on this appalling trend below.
~ Liberty Video News

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