This is The HARD Truth About LGBT Culture Today
Men are under attack in the West. The idea that men have a natural and positive instinct to excel, to create, to win, to protect, and to provide is under attack. Men are shamed from an early age, told that being male is the same as being a woman beater. This is evil.
Many, possibly even a majority, of American boys dream of being firefighters at a young age. Nothing could be more masculine, loving, and healthy than that. But the Left’s incessant push to destroy male goodness and male strength is eroding that natural reservoir of protective and creative male strength.
Today, so many men suffer in adulthood having never been taught about what men are like and what women are like. They have come to believe that women and men are interchangeable and that male and female instincts are indistinguishable. This is wrong.
The result is that misled men continue to get into relationships with misled women, and the women often seek out weak men because they can control them. This is rapidly becoming the norm. Men who resist this control are scorned by society and shunned by women. So many women have been taught that they are superior to men that they disdain them and are eager to mistreat them.
Men who see this for themselves, too late to avoid poisoned relationships, almost always end up becoming the target of anti-male hostility.
In the following clip, Jesse Lee Peterson makes this point in a way that only he can.
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