We’re going to be completely honest for a minute: we don’t understand how President Donald Trump is doing as well as he is in this campaign, because he really shouldn’t be.
Pretend for one second that the economy isn’t doing as well as it is, or that our foreign policy situation didn’t go through any major changes in the past three years. The average American doesn’t notice these things, at least not personally. For many voters, policies like this don’t matter all that much when going to the polls. This isn’t ideal, of course, but it’s the truth.
The mainstream media is universally united against President Donald Trump. There isn’t one prominent figure in the Democratic Party that isn’t trying to impeach him. There are, however, several Republicans both in Congress and in the commentary circuit that do stand with their Democratic colleagues.
So, how is it that the President is once again smashing fundraising records — something he’s already done several times during this election season — and the Democratic National Committee is hemorrhaging money?
Tim Pool has a few ideas in the video below.

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