When looking at the political situation across the pond, it’s very important to understand that the dichotomy between Britain’s Conservative and Labour parties is not the same as that between the Republicans and Democrats in the United States — at least not until now.
The U.K.’s Conservative Party, often referred to locally as the “tories”, are closer ideologically to Clinton-era Democrats. Sure, they support relatively free markets and a strong national defense, but are also okay with the nation’s socialized healthcare system as well as “hate speech” being an actual legal transgression. In other words, the most “far-right” people in the country often seem left-wing by American standards.
The Labour Party is a different story. While the party not too long ago marketed itself as a “third way” option during the tenure of Tony Blair, it has since been occupied and overtaken by overt leftists like Jeremy Corbyn. The Labour leader comes out in no uncertain terms against the capitalist system, and has some anti-Semitic views to boot.
Now, the Democratic Party in the United States is looking a lot more like its socialist cousin in Britain. Ben Shapiro explains how in the video below.
~ Liberty Video News

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