The ACTUAL War on Journalists the Media IGNORES
Pundits and writers for the likes of CNN, the Washington Post, MSNBC, and a myriad of other outlets want to paint a bleak picture of America right now — a picture where journalists are dragged out of the homes in the middle of the night, and shipped off to whatever President Donald Trump’s answer to a gulag would be.
Obviously, this is about as inaccurate as you can possibly be. The media is so free in this country, that some of its most prominent members have been free to spew dishonest bile on a nightly basis for years. The closest President Trump has ever been to restricting the freedom of the press was that one time he suspended CNN White House Correspondent Jim Acosta for weirdly refusing to give up his microphone. That’s about it.
Nevertheless, Trump is on record for referring to the mainstream fake news media as the “enemy of the people”, which they are always happy to call back on to prove whatever point they’re trying to make.
But now, actual journalists are actually being attacked — but not by President Trump. This is probably why the media has been completely silent about this.
The Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh has the story below.
~ Liberty Video News
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