Ted Cruz Has Had Enough of Antifa’s Unchecked Political Terrorism
The Democratic Party’s favorite playthings are about to get hit with a big bearded ball of funky justice. Human trafficking rings are dropping like flies. There’s Epstein, and recently, a group of Marines got bagged for moving human slaves over international borders.
You think that’s all? Oh, there’s so much more. The President and Congress are coming down hard on big tech. We could go on for hours about that.
On another front, Democrats have suffered their final humiliation over the Mueller nonsense. They dragged that old man before Congress, gave him a real work-over, and got absolutely nothing out of him. Muller had nothing to give. Nothing. Also, it was kind of gross how he tried to pull a Blasey-Ford act with his weak, old man voice. “Oh, go easy on me. I’m just a tired old man.” Well, they didn’t go easy on him and he gave them nothing to run on. Tough luck, creeps!
Now, Senator Ted Cruz is gunning for Antifa.
Antifa is a violent, guerrilla arm of the communist party posing as pro-worker revolutionariness — like they always do. Well, they ran Antifa out of Norway, just like we’re going to run them out of the U.S.
These creeps are well organized, well funded, and they have been labeled by the FBI as a terrorist organization. When we get to the bottom of their power structure, some big creeps are going to slime their ways to the surface.
Here’s Senator Ted Cruz calling on the FBI to shut these basement dwellers down.
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