Sanctuary City Laws Cost This Officer his Life
The leftist politicians behind the idea of sanctuary cities – cities in which illegal immigrants are sheltered and provided refuge from the authorities – may have good intentions, but their policies have very dangerous and negative consequences nonetheless.
The economic consequences of these sanctuary cities are damaging enough, but the security consequences are even more concerning. Now, these dangerous sanctuary cities have cost yet another person his life, this time claiming the life of a Merced County, California Sheriff’s deputy.
The deputy was killed in the line of duty by an illegal immigrant who had been able to avoid deportation due to California’s sanctuary city laws. There’s no way around it: sanctuary city laws cost this deputy his life, and they have already cost numerous other people their lives as well.
Sanctuary city laws are not compassionate and humanitarian as the left likes to claim. They enable violent criminals to avoid the grasp of the law and carry about their crimes in the United States with limited fear of repercussion. Unfortunately, it would seem that more lives must still be lost before those on the left accept this reality.
Here’s Fox News with more on the story.

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