Rick Perry: America Will be Oil Independent by 2020
Trump’s economy is like a greased rocket on rails. Right now, it feels great. People are keeping fists full of money that would ordinarily be vacuumed up by the IRS. There’s a surplus of jobs. Black unemployment is at an all time (yes, all time) low. And businesses are moving the manufacturing jobs back to the US.
This means that our backyard BBQs are going to be better in the short term. But in the long term, it means we’re going to have to get used to being more independent. It means working harder, but it also means more prosperity. Certainly, our readers will have no problem with that.
But growth isn’t always pleasant. It means taking on more responsibility. When it comes to industry, that means we are going to have to build a much more robust infrastructure. More jobs are going to be created. It also means that many of the new jobs that will be created are going to be highly technical, high paying jobs.
That means the education system is going to have to step its game up. Tech schools are expected to boom as the academies continue to drop the ball. Those who pursue useless degrees ending in the word “studies” are not going to have a good time out there.
It’s going to be a grim reality for coastal elites to face as working class heroes rise to prominence.
Here’s Fox Business with Rick Perry on the coming boom and what it means.
~ Liberty Video News
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