Porn Lawyer Micheal Avenatti Dodges Felony Charges
When news broke that Michael Avenatti was facing charges for beating up his girlfriend, we extended the same good faith that we demanded for Brett Kavanaugh.
We said that we hope Avenatti gets his due process. We said that we refuse to judge him until all the facts were in. Of course, we also made fun of him because he deserved it.
We said, ‘Oh, apparently there’s one woman he doesn’t just believe on her word.’
But what we did not say was that he should be run into the ground. We did not say that he should have his life destroyed. We did not say that because women have been victimized for centuries that he should be locked up with no care for the real truth behind the accusations.
But that’s what he had in mind for Brett Kavanaugh. When they came for him, they came for blood. They came with fire and hate in their minds, and the vengeance of hell in their eyes. They literally clawed at the doors when Kavanaugh was confirmed.
Sure, we had a bit of a chuckle. But we never went in for blood, and we never made it political. Kavanaugh got off the hook, because there was no proof of the allegations against him. And Avenatti’s case appears to adhere to that parallel as well as it has now come to light that he will evade felony charges.
We just hope he has learned something from all this.
Here’s The Next News Network with more.
~ Liberty Video News

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