The west has got a serious self care problem. It’s a crisis of self confidence — we’ve been told for so long that we are guilty for the crimes of our past that we are willing to give up everything we and our ancestors have fought to create and protect just so that we won’t be called a long list of words ending in “ist.”
There’s a line from a very strange song on David Bowie’s last album. The song is called Black Star, and the line is, “On the day of execution, only women kneel and smile.”
It’s a haunting line. And one wonders if he didn’t foresee the way feminists in the Nordic countries would accept hordes of fighting aged men from North Africa and the middle east only to see rape stats reach record levels as a result.
In England, native British citizens are arrested for hate crimes over other their politically incorrect twitter posts as their police become Sharia law enforcement brigades. It is truly frightening.
Now, after ISIS has been decimated by US and Russian forces, western-born “ISIS brides” are looking to come home. These are women who married into the brutal terrorist organization. Now they are looking for forgiveness. This is going on in England, Canada, and the US. But here, we’re doing a better job of putting our foot down. Thank goodness.
Now, Mike Pompeo is saying, we will not be extending any clemency to these terrorist collaborators.
Here’s Fox Business with more.
~ Liberty Video News

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