Michael Knowles: It’s Okay to Criticize Robert Mueller
One fine day, in the distant future, we will be able to stop printing the following sentence on a weekly basis: “The Mueller investigation has yielded zero evidence.”
Until that day comes, we will, much to our chagrin, have to keep pressing this point. The Democrats and the left in general are scraping the barrel for anything they can use to oppose the Trump administration.
We’ll leave it to you to decide why they hate him so very much. But we would do well to consider the fact that they have been doing this to populist Republican presidents for about as long as this country has existed.
They hated Lincoln. That’s right, and they killed him too. They hated Nixon, who was a pinko liberal compared to Obama. They loathed Ronald Reagan for the same reasons they hate Trump — he made America great again.
So, now the left embraces Mueller. They look on him as the representative of a vaunted institution that is beyond reproach. We know, of course, that this is purely self-serving. The left does not examine its own mind. It just sees things as either good or bad based on what their masters tell them from on high.
But the fact is, Mueller is well deserving of criticism.
Here’s the Daily Wire’s Michael Knowles with more:
~ Liberty Video News

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