Those on the left love to pretend that they support all women. When it comes to conservative women, though, all of these well-wishes and empty platitudes quickly fly out the window. This hypocrisy when it comes to the left’s treatment of conservative women was on full display recently when NBC News published a story documenting the rising number of conservative women in politics.
The title of the story was “More Republican Women than Ever are Planning to Run for Office”. It wasn’t the story’s title or even its content that presents an issue though. Instead, the story’s dig at conservative women was far more subtle, but insulting nonetheless. Plastered above the title of this article was a picture of three women wearing skirts that featured the GOP elephant. The picture, however, only showed these women from the waist down. Their legs and backsides were on full display, but nothing else was shown.
This, of course, certainly isn’t the first time that the leftist media has suggested that conservative women in politics are nothing more than sex symbols who rose to the top due to their beauty rather than their brains. Unable to accept the fact that not everyone falls into the left’s idea of what identity politics should look like, the media has consistently treated conservative women as a problem that they wish didn’t exist.
Here’s One America News with more on the story.

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