James O’Keefe and Project Veritas are doing the Lord’s work exposing liars and fraudsters in Washington, Big Tech, and wherever they find them.
Veritas exposed the Woke Brigade hidden in the belly of some of the federal government’s biggest bureaucracies. O’Keefe exposed dozens of people working on the public dime who are actively breaking the law as they do their best to slow down the Trump Administration.
Veritas exposed the Woke Brigade at major social media companies. O’Keefe revealed open admissions of high ranking employees who were captured on hidden camera saying that they have labeled Christian content as pornography, making it impossible for families that use child-safe settings to be able to find it.
Veritas was there to catch CNN anchor Van Jones saying that the Russiagate story was a complete “nothing burger.” He caught a major CNN exec saying essentially the same thing.
At the time of this writing, the Woke Brigade at Twitter is doing their best to shut down Veritas and everyone at Trump’s anti-tech censorship summit. The site actually went down during the summit. They said it was a technical issue. They are liars.
Right now, Project Veritas is the only true investigative journalism outfit that we know of. They might be the only team of real journalists in existence. The rest of us just report on the lies of the left, and the left just lies. But they aren’t stopping to take stock of their victories.
Here’s Project Veritas with news on their latest juicy expose.

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