We would like to be kind for Ilhan Omar for a moment… just a moment. Come on, she needs it…
We do not believe that she is acting in bad faith when she expresses hatred for the country that saved her and her family from annihilation. We do not believe that she is lying when she says that she believes that the United States is just as malicious as Al Qaeda. We even think we understand what she meant when she referred to the attacks of 9/11 by saying “some people did something.”
What we do think is that Ilhan Omar has been brainwashed by the shrewd psychological manipulation game that the Left has been playing on the people of this country for decades — longer even. We could say the same thing about AOC. These people are not sophisticated enough to say the things that they say and not believe them.
If you want to see true mendacity and cynicism, look at Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, and Barack Obama. These people say one thing and do another. Then they change their views on the fly to suit the polls.
Compared to those raggy wolves, Ilhan Omar is like a babe in the woods.
But, it must be said that there’s a lot of shady activity going on around her… AOC too. They are caught up in illegal financing cases, and more. Their public performances change when their management team gets new members or loses old ones.
Here’s Glenn Beck on some more creepy shadiness that’s been coming from the Omar camp lately.

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