Our economy is roaring. We have pulled out of a number of foreign conflicts, made peace with foreign leaders, and new conflicts under President Trump have been at an absolute minimum. There was the one airstrip he bombed in Syria, and there was the totally righteous use of the Mother Of All Bombs that crushed an underground ISIS base.
Now, let’s get racial — after all, it’s what the Left says we’re all about. Black unemployment has never been lower — EVER. The black community has never been more prosperous. Trump has been less serious about border security than Bill Clinton, and less (far less) war crazy than Barack Obama.
Despite all this, Trump has had nothing but trouble from the Left. So what gives? It kind of seems like the people who vote left just believe whatever they hear on CNN. And it seems like the people behind CNN are in bed with anti-American Democrats.
Let’s face it. The Left doesn’t care about minorities. They don’t care about fairness, or safety, or any of the things they say they care about. They care about power. Period. End of story.
That’s why the investigations have been as endless as they have been unfounded. That’s why they don’t care when their leaders and their advocates plainly lie. They don’t even care about the crimes of the Left and leftists.
This is about disenfranchising working Americans. It’s about seizing resources and rights from you.
Here’s Fox with more.

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