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House Intelligence Committee Releases Russian Investigation Report

Opponents of President Trump hoped that the investigation into Russia’s involvement in the 2016 election would cripple Trump’s Presidency. Now, though, their dreams of impeachment have all but been dashed.

Instead, the results of the House Intelligence Committee’s investigation showed something very different indeed – that Russia was far more involved in Hillary Clinton’s campaign than they ever were in Trump’s.

Russia’s involvement with the now-infamous Steele Dossier – a DNC funded document that was used as the primary piece of evidence to launch the investigation into the Trump campaign – has now been proven beyond any doubt. Meanwhile, evidence that the Trump campaign colluded with Russian officials in any way still remains nonexistent.

The House Intelligence Committee’s report marks a major win for President Trump, who has been saying all along that the Clinton campaign’s involvement with Russia should be the real focus of the investigation. Nevertheless, the Mueller investigation – which is taking place outside of Congress’s investigation – is still ongoing. Now, though, the calls for Mueller’s investigation to be ended are louder than ever.

For more information on the details contained within the House Intelligence Committee’s report as well as how the report is a major win for President Trump, be sure to check out the video below.

~ Liberty Video News

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