Gutfeld on the Speech That Launched 1,000 Memes
Listen up, sports fans. President Donald Trump is a great speaker. That’s right, we said it. He’s great. In fact, he’s damn great.
You know what’s funny? Many small time street journalists have taken portions of his speeches and walked around college campuses asking students what they think of his statements, but they told the students that Obama had said them — not Trump. And they also did the opposite, taking bits of Obama speeches and telling the students that Trump has said those things.
The result was exactly what you think it was. When liberals were told that Trump had said something, they hated it. When they were told that Obama had said something, they loved it. It didn’t matter what was said, it only mattered who said it.
So, it’s with that knowledge and clear evidence of the reality of Trump Derangement Syndrome that we can say with confidence and conviction that Trump is a master orator.
Yes, he speaks in simple language. That’s actually a good thing. Just ask Hemingway or Einstein. If you can’t explain a thing simply, you don’t understand it. And you will never change any minds if you can’t explain your ideas in simple terms. President Trump doesn’t care about sounding sophisticated, because he knows what BS sounds like.
Here’s Greg Gutfeld with more.
~ Liberty Video News

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