Gov. Cuomo is Paying the Price for This Stupid Comment
It’s objectively verifiable: the United States is the greatest, freest nation in history. It’s provable, undeniable, and incontrovertible. The US is the only nation on Earth that protects the freedom of speech. It is the only nation on Earth where it is possible for someone to rise up from abject poverty and achieve greatness. Okay, it’s possible elsewhere — but pretty damned unlikely. Most importantly, the US runs on a system of laws that places the sovereignty of the individual above everything else.
The individual is the ultimate minority. We beat the LGBTQ rainbow to the diversity singularity about 300 years ago. No kidding.
Capitalism has raised more people out of abject poverty than any other economic system. It’s not even close. In fact, capitalism is the first economic model that actually raises people out of poverty. Most other systems put more people in than they take out of subsistence living. In the United States, the poorest person is richer than a king in the 13th century. It’s true — go back in time a few centuries and try seeing how oppressed you feel in a world without running water.
But, the left hates America. Why? Because it doesn’t stand up to their imaginary utopia that has never even come close to existing. That’s right, these useful idiots compare our nation to an imaginary one. These same people have the gall, the ingratitude, and the unbelievable ignorance of history to say that America isn’t great because it isn’t some fantasy Heaven.
Here’s more on the left’s latest expression of gross, pandering ingratitude.
~ Liberty Video News
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