Flashback: NRA Spokeswoman Takes on Radical Feminists
NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch displayed a ton of bravery when she appeared before what could best be described as a belligerent mob at CNN’s town hall on gun control. However, this wasn’t the first time that Dana put herself in the crosshairs to take on wildly inaccurate leftist propaganda.
In addition to combating the emotion-based arguments of the gun control crowd, Dana Loesch has a bone to pick with modern feminists as well.
Last year, Dana appeared on Fox News and started the interview off swinging by wearing a t-shirt that said “NO MA’AM” – an acronym from a group on the TV sitcom “Married With Children” which stands for the National Organization Against Amazonian Masterhood. After speaking for a while on Obamacare, Dana transitioned back to the issue of feminists protesting in the streets against the oppression they supposedly face, asking “what rights do men have that women don’t?”
This is a question that modern feminists have a hard time answering without alluding to some mysterious “systematic oppression” for which they are unable to provide any concrete evidence that it actually exists.
With Dana Loesch’s name recognition skyrocketing after her appearance on CNN’s town hall, we thought we’d share an entertaining throwback video to one of the other times Dana took on the leftist narrative with guns blazing.
To see her entertaining interview for yourself, be sure to check out the video below.
~ Liberty Video News

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