Everything You Need to Know About Marxist Colleges
This nation and the prosperity we promise our children are under attack, and they have been for many years. Today, we see the assault coming to a head. We see it in the form of violence in the streets. We see it in the form of blatant lies on network television, and we see it in the form of unambiguously anti-American rhetoric being pushed on young impressionable American, Canadian, and British college students.
We’ve been warned about this growing ideological subversion from the likes of former KGB spies like Yuri Bezmenov. We’ve seen it all throughout the last century with hundreds of millions falling under the murderous boot of communism.
In the face of all the evidence and the obvious lies, we face a growing swell of support for the most murderous ideology the world has ever known. Communism is more dangerous than all of the diseases that we dread. It’s more deadly than all of the wars of the last quarter-century. And what’s more, the people who are pushing it are making clear in their every word and deed that they will repeat the murders of their ideological forebearers as soon as they get the chance.
Here’s Jordan B. Peterson, psychologist, and eminent thinker on the dangers of communism.

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